Filter out bots from the statistics of your website in Google Analytics

04-08-2014, Category Measuring effects

Google has finally introduced the long awaited functionality in Analytics – the world’s most popular package to track website traffic. An ability to automatically exclude traffic generated by bots. Photo by: Sergey Ivanov Bots and spiders Some sources indicate that over 60% of web traffic is generated by robots – a software created to visit websites automatically. There are many types of “bots”. Some of them are “spiders” (or “crawlers”), scanning web content and following links. The most famous one is GoogleBot (and its equivalents used by other search engines) – cataloging the Internet and constantly updating the data in its gigantic database. Spiders are also used by various tools for monitoring content, brand mentions, etc. Unfortunately,...

Website statistics – your source of knowledge about users

26-08-2013, Category Measuring effects

How well your website performs can already be seen at first glance, for instance by the number of sales leads. But where does this result come from? What are the weaknesses of your website and what can be optimized? You can find answers to these and other questions by analyzing user behaviors with the help of website traffic monitoring tools. Photo by: Marcin Wichary Tools In the youthful years of the World Wide Web, when only a few companies had their website, web analytics was limited to a counter placed in the website footer. The value of the counter increased with each visit and displayed the number of visits from website beginnings. In other words, this was more a gadget than a piece of information that could be used in whatever way. Then webmasters got interested in web server statistics...

Anatomy of the landing page, i.e. how to catch the user

19-06-2013, Category Conversion

Attracting good traffic to your company website (i.e. users from the target group) is only half the success. Visitors have to be converted into sales leads and obtaining an even average conversion rate (of 2%) is not an easy thing to do. Photo by: U.S. Navy ROI of the online campaign It’s easy to calculate the ROI of an online campaign after the campaign has finished when the sales results are known. But do you know how to estimate this value when planning the campaign? You have to learn the following values: CPM and CTR for the cost per impression campaign CPC for the cost per click campaign CR1: conversion rate of users into sales leads (skip for e-commerce websites) CR2: conversion rate of leads into sales CART: the average cart value (order value). These are already derived formulas...